Cut and Collage is a proper delight to work in. I thought it might be good to give you a bit of background about this wonderful medium in order to inspire you, dear readers to dig out the glue and let rip yourselves...(nice pun eh?)
Drawing can be complicated. Its horribly easy to give ourselves a right-royal hard time if our drawing doesn't look exactly like that thing that we are drawing from.
When teaching beginner classes (from about age 12 up) or, when I'm supporting an Artist making a return to drawing after some time... I make it a large part of the session to get ripping, glueing, felt-tipping and painting, building confidence easily and rapidly.
Collaging, I feel, is akin to printmaking. It's not so much about the marks as the composition, the looking at objects in relation to each other. When we look at our still-life or view, we take down other details that aren't quite so literal - as we would do when drawing.
The Cubists were a collection of Artists that worked from different views, all onto one painting. One of the most successful ways they found of researching their still-life was by working in collage. It has an immediacy that moved them on in leaps and go on make those beautiful works of art such as GEORGES BRAQUE (1882-1963) and this stunner too.'Violin and Jug', 1910 (oil on canvas)
Below is a large piece of work that I did a couple of years ago for my children's bedrooms. This one is called 'Pooches Parlour' and is just that.. the other is below and is called 'Doggies Day Out'.
They came about from my feeling really inspired from all the Summer Fetes around here now that we are in the countryside. Those joyous occasions that look beautifully English from afar, where sales meet scones, and you lose £20 in the bat of an eye, along with the children...yes those.
I wanted un-prescious detail in the final works and a feeling of one-ness over the whole piece, however detailed they were going to be. Actually, when I look at them now, I rather think that I made them as master pieces for a set of silk-screen prints that one some level I had imagined making into a series..that would work.
So there you have it, my true reasons for working in collage, fast, furious, and wonderfully liberating. Go on...make one of your own...MUCH MUCH easier than you think. x
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