Ah yes, it's all getting proper snuggly, cosy and baltic. Yesterday, as much of the family as possible was summoned to my aunt's house, who lives deep, deep in the countryside to help stack the huge pile of logs from pile to 'dry-log-room-in-shed' (all very rural.) We worked like little elfs, loading up the wheelbarrow (flat-tyred wheelbarrow of course) tipping out, stacking and bending over and over again..and again...singing merrily as we worked.
And then there was the real version. Summoned to my aunts house in the freezing freezingness with teenagers and toddlers to move a gazillion logs...marvellous, yay...no really. Our part of the family swung in to our local bakery to purchase hot pasties, sausage rolls and mince pies for the whole team to scoff once our work was done. They tasted goooood and we ate them next to the real fire with the (really) big dog looking lovingly at us/our pasties. After nosh, we walked said massive lab dog in beautiful countryside. Our bellies full and thoroughly exercised, we waved, laughed and jollied ourselves into our cars to reverse through the garden and back onto the lane to be off our our merry ways...Oh such fun, tra la la.
The car didn't start. Nice.
Butting up to two cars to try and jumpstart said motor, no avail. Rush into nearest town to purchase new battery..an hour with the babes in the cold..nice. Hurray they are back, battery in...no start. Bugger it. Left car in the village and went home driven by aunt. Grrr.
Home, hot baths all round. Hot choc all round. Bed by 8pm for all apart from Daddy to watch two lots of The Killing (apparently brilliant but bit too gruesome for me in places). Woken at 10 for two lots of puke from darling son and then back to bed, via a quick dip into twitter after loading wash 1 of 20 in the w. machine.
Hurray for rescue services. Fresh-faced and jolly once more (it being the next day) we all arrived at the broken down car at the same time... The nice man started our car and instructed us not to stop or stall until we get to our local garage (no pressure there then). Once there, dump the car. We did as told.
Back into the maroon Corsa that we purchased last week for 450nicker to be runabout for me, allowing me to get to art classes, etc etc. We jammed ourselves in, along with a big big box that my mum had given me sheepishly and told us to open when we get home.
Back at home, babes (one very white one) jammed in the back of tiny Corsa with massive box, out we spilled..or planned to but snap - the handbrake on the Corsa snapped, amazingly this time...I didn't and neither did Darling husband.
Once untangled from the far-too-bigger-bodies being in a far-too-smaller-car for us...home home home. Sofa day for wee boy, wee gal on and off it too all day in sympathy.
So where is the art in this post then eh? Well, dearest readers. the art is in the everydayness of life. The beautiful countryside that we walked the dog in. The fire that we scoffed our pasties by...from every situation we have to find the good bits...
My best bit was seeing my teenage nieces pushing the car, along with my mum, aunt, massive dog, Darling husband and babes! It felt distinctly 70's!
A new post coming about what was in the box...its very very special.
Merry December everyone...no really!
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