Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Children's Art telly programmes..all hail 'Deadly Art' (CBBC). Also turning mega lions into ducks...

In our house, during school holidays and on weekend mornings (when mum and dad get the chance for an extra hour in snooze land) our babes are allowed telly in the mornings.   It's called 'Saturday morning telly' whatever the day...much easier this way.

Darling son hauls himself and his duvet downstairs on the the massive snuggly sofa to burn his brains out on whatever he fancies from the children's channel, Darling Daughter comes down about 20 later and they snuggle on the sofa until our day begins.

This morning however I have work to do so leaving a snoozing daddy, I am in the office doing exactly NOT what am supposed to be doing, blogging.     I am however, stupidly inspired artistically from watching 'Deadly Art' a children's telly programme that I sat glued to with both my babes under the duvet on said snuggly sofa.

Now then...in my day we had 'Take Hart' 'Why Don't You' and 'Magpie' along with 'Blue Peter' for creative inspiration.  All of which were wonderful, basic but wonderful and I think I actually owe my artistic career to Tony Hart, who, sniff died last year.

Today my babes are 8 and 4 so we have (endured) 'Mister Maker' (queue the theme tune in my head...NOOOOOOooo!) and I think thats about it really.

This morning though I watched the afore mentioned 'Deadly Art' and it made me really happy to be doing so.

Mixing up footage of 'deadly animals' (this morning was the lion) and then taking that back to the art studio where two (very young...why?) Artists where ready to 'make art' from the link.  Nice.  In one programme we had a 3d model of a lion's head, a large 2m x2m squared canvas painting (that was the BIG reveal at the end of the programme) and during the programme, lots of drawing of a lions head.

During the filming of this programme, the crew had set up camp somewhere to call an event of lion-drawing to film...queues of children waiting patiently with less patient parents lining up to get drawing...I found the whole thing ace in fact.

Children create naturally.  This programme was all about getting them inspired to draw and get arty around the subject that they had chosen and were enthusing massively about...and...proof of the pudding...8 year old Darling Son is now all inspired to draw (albeit still on the sofa) so today, we are going out for a walk in the countryside to find some lions...oh alright..some ducks.

Hope they strike the same cord...may have to do some creative imagining with them...

Will report back later, well done 'Deadly Art'.

Sam x

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tip-off, Sam! Jenny's 'Deadly Art ' Bat from yesterday's programme.
