Having worked muchly with children recently I was a little nervous at teaching adults again! I needn't have worried at all as not only did everyone that came happen to be absolutely lovely, they were also ready, willing and gung-ho to get going with the wonderful paints that are acrylics.
We set up the hall on Friday night as is normally the case. However on this particular eve the light that flooded into the hall was just divine, so much so that I stayed on for an extra hour or two to finish a large scale floral work that I've been struggling with recently. I loved it and the painting was completed.
We tried things a little differently this time with the food for our day. Our wonderful family friend Andy is an outstanding cook and he very kindly produced lunch for us. Cor, the menu was fantastic. All home-cooked we enjoyed a Salmon Quiche served with dauphinoise potatoes & a watercress salad (along with warmed french bread) I can't tell you how delicious it was! Following that we had cheeses, chutneys and oatcakes. At high tea we enjoyed a home-made lemon cake which disappeared very very fast along with lashing of tea. We truly felt utterly treated which was exactly our mission!
Below are some photo's of our day to enjoy. If you would like to be kept in the know with our new workshops as they are announced, please email me on samantha@artypops.com
Much love, Sam x